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News: “Water for peace”, yes, but it doesn’t change the need for peace and justice
Resource: Using global datasets to estimate flood exposure at the city scale
News: Driving change through partnerships and collaboration
Resource: Critical Water Governance
Resource: Decolonising water diplomacy and conflict transformation
News: Climate education and literacy for sustainable futures
News: Spotlight newsletter | World Water Day 2023
News: Systems Approach to achieving Water Security in a Changing Climate
News: Hub team delivers Pan-African workshop on water quality testing
News: Cooperation and partnership for water security
News: UN Water Conference 2023
News: Global Flood Partnership Conference 2022
Resource: A framework for water security data gathering strategies
News: Climate change impacts and adaptation: Ethiopia
News: Only One Earth - World Environment Day
News: The ambiguity of water as an economic good
News: Key lessons from the latest IPCC Report
News: Women in Water
Resource: Groundwater in Ethiopia: current and future sustainability challenges
News: Surface water and groundwater: one water
News: Newsletter March 2022
News: Climate change and adaptation: Malaysia
News: Research Methods for Global Challenges (RMGC)
News: World Toilet Day: Valuing toilets and sanitation
News: Planning for water supply and sewerage in a changing city
News: Spotlight Newsletter | World Cities Day
News: Building sustainable urban infrastructure for risk reduction and climate resilience
News: World Cities Day: Better city, Better life
News: Nature-based solutions and adaptation measures for sustainable urban development
News: Addressing infrastructural violence for urban resilience against climate change
News: The importance of climate change adaptation
Resource: Inequities in the emergence, manifestations and consequences of COVID19
Resource: Water values: discourses and perspective
News: Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Resource: WHO/FAO/OIE technical brief
Resource: ‘Lab in a suitcase’
News: Writer in the Lab: Part 2
News: Writer in the Lab: Part 1
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