Resource: Evaluating a new method of remote sensing for flood mapping in the urban and peri-urban areas
Resource: Evaluation of factors affecting the quality of citizen science rainfall data in Akaki catchment
Resource: Absence of significant association of trace elements in nails with urinary KIM-1 biomarker among residents of Addis Ababa
Resource: Evaluation of WRF model rainfall forecast using citizen science in a data-scarce urban catchment
Resource: Fecal Contamination in the Wastewater Irrigation System and its Health Threat to Wastewater-Based Farming Households
Resource: Performance evaluation of multiple regional climate models to simulate rainfall in the Central Rift Valley Lakes Basin of Ethiopia
Resource: Comparison and selection criterion of missing imputation methods and quality assessment of monthly rainfall
Resource: The impact of wastewater-irrigated urban agriculture on microbial quality of drinking water at household level
Resource: Enhanced Soil Moisture Retrieval through Integrating Satellite Data with Pedotransfer Functions
Resource: Prevalence and risk factors of childhood diarrhea among wastewater irrigating urban farming households in Addis Ababa
Resource: An integrated approach for water quality assessment in African catchments based on physico-chemical and biological indicators
Resource: Filling data gaps using citizen science for flood modelling in urbanized catchment of Akaki
Resource: Contribution of wastewater irrigated vegetables to the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infection among female farmers