The Colombia Collaboratory’s goal is to improve water security for socio-ecological systems in the Upper Cauca River Basin (UCRB) based on inter- and transdisciplinary work with multiple stakeholders.
The Colombian context is complex, with water security and the socio-environmental networks that sustain it inextricably linked to the country's political, economic, and environmental landscapes. The recovery of the Cauca River is an ongoing process that requires the sustained commitment and collective action of local actors navigating on a situation of armed conflict.
Creating opportunities for stakeholder participation (across all levels) in environmental management of the UCRB has been essential for promoting socio-ecological justice. The Colombia Collaboratory will continue to empower communities to actively participate in shaping policies and practices that promote sustainability and fairer access to water resources, fostering a more resilient and equitable society. Within Colombia, there is a political opportunity and will to actively support and champion the type of collaborative initiatives that have been developed with the vision and drive of the Hub.
Our Approach/Framing
The Collaboratory is founded on inter- and transdisciplinary research. We recognise and prioritise existing knowledge in local communities and institutions (i.e., local, regional, and national). The bottom-up research approach with local stakeholders is transformative into building capacity and supporting autonomous processes. These initiatives strengthen future efforts such as projects, grants, curriculum development, and planning.
Co-working and co-learning with non-academic stakeholders underpin our approach. By embracing diverse participation, these inclusive approaches recognise academic, indigenous, afro-descendant, and local campesino knowledge and practices. This dialogue of knowledges not only identifies local challenges but also reveals opportunities for innovative water management solutions, such as Nature-based Solutions, Agroecology, and Payments for Ecosystem Services that promote sustainability and improve water quality.
Through this approach, we can analyse conflicting values, land and water use conflicts derived from historical grabbing practices, and political tensions as obstacles in facing structural inequity/injustice which are exacerbated by climate change and variability.
Outcomes and Emerging Impacts
Early successes and emerging impacts of the Colombia Collaboratory include:
- Facilitating the development of collaborative governance in the UCRB through a multisectoral stakeholder initiative.
- Using learning processes to create an environment of knowledge dialogue and experience/practice exchange to promote conservation of biodiversity and water.
- Developing a participatory construction process to co-create information and communication technologies that improve the autonomous governance of water by rural communities.
- Creating a multi-scalar process around artistic expressions and the recognition of water values.
- Utilising collective action to address socio-environmental conflicts and promote sustainable land management practices.
Download the full Colombia Impact Narrative
Colombia Impact Narrative