Newsletter March 2023 | Assembly special
Our ninth newsletter, a special edition focused on our recent Hub Assembly in Colombia
02 March 2023

The final day of the Assembly in Colombia
After spending an extended time apart and working virtually, Hub members were finally able to come together for a full Assembly in November. More than 100 Hub members attended the weeklong event in Calí, Colombia, taking part in plenary, workshop, social, and field-based activities, and enjoying spending time together again. We were also joined by stakeholders from the Colombian Collaboratory, giving us fantastic insights into what water means to them, and how they are working to tackle water security issues. There is so much learning that we can gain from one another – and this is a vital element of making the Hub a success across all of its outcome areas.
Take a look through this newsletter and read all about our Early Career Researcher Showcase; the importance of stakeholder involvement in the Hub's work; time spent in Popayán building relationships and exchanging knowledge; the AGUA International Conference; and fantastic updates from across the Hub's global team.